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As someone who has always felt strongly about social issues and the stigmas that surround them, photographer Kaitlin Ridl felt the need to bring to light some of the most common yet serious social issues that are arising in our world today.  In her series "The Fall of Humanity," Ridl reinterprets the Seven Deadly Sins within a contemporary context.  Social and moral standards advocate for the following of societal rules over selfish pursuits.  The Seven Deadly Sins, throughout history, are known as the most extreme selfish pursuits a person can commit.  These sins are also prophesized to cause the fall of humanity if pursued.  Shown through deeply layered portraits are humans committing behaviors that are reflective of these sins.  This fantastical and surrealistic photographic series aims to provide a revelatory reality of old world values in a new world context.

"Gula" (Gluttony/Food Waste)  Digital Photography  2017  24"x36"

"Acedia" (Sloth/Technology Addiction)  Digital Photography  2017  24"x36"

"Ira"  (Wrath/Self Destruction) Digital Photography  2017  36"x24"

"Avarita"  (Greed) Digital Photography  2017  24"x36"

"Superbia"  (Pride/Narcissism) Digital Photography  2017  36"x24"

"Luxuria"  (Lust/Stalking) Digital Photography  2017  24"x36"

"Invidia"  (Envy/Beauty Standards) Digital Photography  2017  24"x36"

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